
The Impact of Possums on Melbourne Properties and How to Humanely Remove Them

Your attic is an excellent place for possums to seek shelter and food and build their nests. Even though they are adorable creatures, they can become a nuisance for many reasons. They bring diseases to your home and can also cause damage to your property due to sheer size. As such, make quick decisions and find ways to remove them from your property once you find their nest. 

So, review the sections below to understand how these creatures affect your property and how you can humanely remove them from your premises. Do not forget that they are among the protected animals of Australia, and it’s illegal to kill them. Do not harm the creatures in any way, and still protect your property by calling the possum revivalists Melbourne and having them take care of the job for you. 

How do Possums Affect Your Melbourne Property?

Below are some of the common ways through which possums damage your property. 

Damaging Electrical Wires

One of the most common damages caused by possums is damage to your electrical equipment and wires. Possums have progressively robust and growing front teeth that can chew through the wires. They tend to gnaw and damage your cables and wires from the attic. This will cause electrical issues and also dangerous fires. 

Torn and Soiled Insulation

Possums use insulation pads to build their nests once they enter your attic. They make their comfort zone by removing your property’s insulation and collecting all the pieces. Insulations are not only used for making their homes, but they also use it as their toilet. An unpleasant smell starts emanating from the soiled and torn insulation. The smell wafts through your entire home and increases your utility bills. It becomes imperative for you to immediately call for specialists in possum removal Melbourne.  

Roof or Building Damage

Possums can cause substantial damage to your building or roof structure while trying to get into your attic. They will expand their entry home and make new entry points into your attic to make it easier for them to find an easy way out. 

How do you Humanely Remove the Possums from your Property?

Removing the possums humanely and ethically is necessary because they are living beings, even if they are a pain in the neck. Explore the ways given below to remove them from your property without causing any harm. 

Call the Professionals

The best way to deal with a possum infestation is to call the professionals for possum removal Melbourne. You can do a ‘possum catchers near me’ search to find the best ones. The experts know how to handle challenges like these and have the right tools and knowledge that help them gently remove the critters. It is the fastest way to solve your problem and eliminate future infestations. 


Use a chemical-based or natural repellant to drive out the possums with scents they dislike. These repellents are not harmful but effective in discouraging possums from infesting your home. The repellants are also effective immediately but are not a permanent solution. Instead, the repellant will have to be applied repeatedly. 


Make it impossible for possums to get into your home by closing their entering and closing points. It will protect your indoor space if you block off any way of them entering your space. 


Another way to save your home is by trapping possums with a bait and trap. Ensure that the trap cannot harm the creature, and then you can release the possum at a safe location. The DIY project can take a long time, so it’s simpler to have a possum catcher Melbourne and ask them to remove the critter from your property. 


Possums enter your home by scratching on your walls and roofs. You can also detect the infestation through strong urine stains, odour, and visible damage to your property’s exterior. They also make clicking noises with their teeth, so in these cases, you can call Recon the best at possum removal in Melbourne

Recon Pest Control inspects your property for possums and uses the right methods to get the creatures out of your space. The method depends on the level of infestation you have. They also install a one-way temporary door for the possum to leave. So they are not able to enter your home after leaving it. Recon aces at providing permanent solutions to your existing possum infestation.

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