

How Quickly Can You Respond To A Wasp Removal Request In Melbourne, Especially In Urgent Situations?

Wasps are among the most common and annoying pests that invade your premises. They set up their nests in several places like roofs, walls, trees, etc. In addition to being a source of annoyance, wasp infestations harm everyone: human beings, animals, and the environment. Their stings can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild discomfort and swelling to severe life-threatening anaphylaxis. Hence, getting rid of wasp infestations quickly is essential. If you find a wasp nest in your premises, it is advisable to act quickly and contact a professional Melbourne wasp removal service. But how swiftly can you expect professional services to respond, specifically in urgent scenarios? 

The write-up will unveil the factors that affect the response time of wasp removal services in Melbourne and how to opt for the best one for your requirements.

The response time of wasp nest removal services in Melbourne might vary based on the size and the site where the nest is located, technicians’ availability, and the urgency of the situation. As per a few online sources, the average response time of Melbourne wasp removal services varies from same-day to within 48 hours. Nevertheless, this is not an assurance and might alter based on the certain situations of every case. 

Hence, contacting the wasp elimination service providers quickly is advisable. It is also suggested that you get a quote and an estimated arrival time. Moreover, you must also refrain from disturbing the wasp nest or trying to eradicate it on your own because this can aggravate these pesty insects and cause them to strike you or others near you.

The exact response time for wasp dismissal services rangers based on the policies of the pest control company you have called for help and workload. Recon Pest Control company in Melbourne is known for its instant, same-day services. In urgent cases, like when combating a wasp nest closer to high-traffic areas or the location where people with allergies are present, they priorities fast responses. Search for wasp removal near me services and contact the customer support panel of the company for pest control services. Give them information about the urgency of the situation, and they will guide you on their time of availability and the fastest probable response time.

Note that being careful around wasp hives is vital because they become violent when they feel threatened and exposed to risk. It is safe to allow professionals to do their work to avoid stings and probable allergies due to wasp bites. 

Factors Impacting the Response Time of Wasp Removal

There are a few factors that affect the response time of wasp removal Melbourne, which are explained below:-

  • Season: Wasps become more active and aggressive during the spring and summer seasons, meaning that more people might have to opt for wasp removal services. This can lead to long waiting times and high demand for the services.
  • Distance: The closer you are to the wasp elimination service provider, the quicker they can reach your destination to eliminate and remove the wasp nest. However, they might charge additional fees for travelling long distances.
  • Time of the Day: Several wasp elimination services operate during normal business hours, but a few others might offer emergency or after-hours services for urgent situations. Nevertheless, these services come at a high price
  • Environmental Factors and Weather Conditions- Wasp dismissal is commonly done at night or early in the morning or when the wasps are effortless to tackle. Nevertheless, extreme weather conditions like rain, wind, and cold might interfere with the elimination procedure and cause a delay in the response time. 
  • Availability and Experience of the Pest Control Company- Based on the demand and season, the experienced pest control companies that offer wasp removal Melbourne services may be busier and have long waiting hours than compared to others. 

Tips to Get Rid of Wasps on Your Premises

Below are a few tips you can follow to get rid of wasps on your premises:-

  • Wasps are attracted to food rich in sugar and protein. Secure your food sources, including pet food as well.
  • Try to find out the possibility of where the wasps can build their nests. After learning about the whereabouts, shift your pets and children to safer places, search for wasp removal near me services and call for professional assistance.
  • Refrain from removing wasps yourself because they can sting you, leading to complications. Seek professional assistance for the removal of a wasp nest Melbourne.


Wasp infestation greatly risks your security and health and the environment, flora, and fauna. Recon Pest Control is a professional wasp removal Melbourne company providing pest control services all over Victoria. They are experienced, skilled, and equipped to tackle any wasp issue, regardless of the nest size. 

The professionals use eco-friendly and humane techniques during the pest-cleaning process. They offer good services and respond to your requests quickly, especially in urgent situations. Therefore, do not allow wasps to run your peaceful mind and quality of life. Contact Recon Pest Control and get rid of these insects as quickly as possible!

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5 Reasons Why Regular Pest Inspections Are Essential for Melbourne Businesses

Are you dealing with pest scourge in your office? In that case, it is necessary to understand the importance of commercial pest control Melbourne. Apart from being a nuisance, they are a potential threat to your business organization’s safety. Whether you own a restaurant, hotel, or office in Melbourne, you need to make sure that your organization is completely free from unwanted pest invaders. This is why regular pest removal Melbourne is important. 

The write-up will unveil the top five reasons why regular pest inspections are vital for business organizations in Melbourne. Scroll down and continue reading the article to know more!

5 Reasons Why Regular Pest Inspections Are Essential for Melbourne Businesses

Regular pest control Melbourne is vital for the business enterprises in the city. It is a dynamic city with various industries and is the prime location for pests to thrive, which makes proactive pest inspection crucial. 

The reasons why business enterprises in Melbourne should regular cleaning of pests:-

  • Prevent Damage to Commercial Properties

Melbourne has a diversified climate with hot summers and cool winters, which becomes the breeding climate for various pests. Termites, in particular, thrive in such an atmosphere and pose a considerable threat to the structural integrity of commercial buildings. Regular pest removal Melbourne can aid in identifying and addressing possible infestations of pests quickly, thereby preventing substantial damage to commercial properties.

  • Safeguard Health 

Pests like rodents, insects, cockroaches, and ants carry and spread diseases, contaminating food and surfaces within business organization’s. This poses a direct risk to the health and lives of customers, employees, and visitors. Regular pest control Melbourne figures out pest problems quickly, letting business enterprises take prompt actions to alleviate the health risks that pests pose to human life and property in businesses. In industries like hospitality and healthcare, maintaining an atmosphere free from pests is vital to protecting the health of the public and retaining regulatory conformity.

  • Maintain Prominence and Conformity

Pest infestations may hamper the fame and prominence of a business enterprise, specifically industries where hygiene and cleanliness are the topmost priority, like hospitality and food-related services. Regular control of pests can aid in ensuring conformity with health and safety regulations, retaining a good reputation in the eyes of the public, and preventing possible legal problems or penalties linked with violations related to pest control. In today’s interconnected world, news spreads quickly via several online platforms. Negative experiences with pests, such as rodents, termites, etc., can damage reviews and lose consumer trust. Regular pest inspections showcase a pledge towards a clean and hygienic atmosphere.

  • Saving Costs in the Long Run

Suppose you detect pest issues early with the help of daily inspections. In that case, it will allow you to address problems and adopt precautionary and preventive measures before issues related to pests increase. Precautionary measures and proper intervention time are more price-efficient than handling infestations on a large scale and damages to commercial properties. Opting for regular control of pests can save you money in the long run and aid you in avoiding voluminous pest control Melbourne cost and other purchases related to pest inspections. Pests can chew electrical wires, weaken structures, and contaminate commodities, resulting in expensive repairs, replacements, and possible interruptions in business.

  • Protecting Stock and Inventory

Pests can destroy commodities, contaminate stock and inventory and compromise the quality of various products. This is especially significant for retail, manufacturing, and warehousing business organizations. Regular cleaning of pests can aid you in protecting your stock and inventory, guaranteeing that your products remain in good condition and meet great quality standards.


Regular pest control in Melbourne is significant for business organization’s to protect commercial properties, safeguard health and safety, maintain good fame, and save costs in the long run. A proactive pest inspection is vital for maintaining a business and alleviating potential threats in the vibrant atmosphere of Melbourne.

Recon Pest Control is a veteran-owned business enterprise that provides customized treatment plans and discounts. Contact the pest inspection services today and allow them to tackle your pest-related problems in the most ethical way possible.

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The Impact of Possums on Melbourne Properties and How to Humanely Remove Them

Your attic is an excellent place for possums to seek shelter and food and build their nests. Even though they are adorable creatures, they can become a nuisance for many reasons. They bring diseases to your home and can also cause damage to your property due to sheer size. As such, make quick decisions and find ways to remove them from your property once you find their nest. 

So, review the sections below to understand how these creatures affect your property and how you can humanely remove them from your premises. Do not forget that they are among the protected animals of Australia, and it’s illegal to kill them. Do not harm the creatures in any way, and still protect your property by calling the possum revivalists Melbourne and having them take care of the job for you. 

How do Possums Affect Your Melbourne Property?

Below are some of the common ways through which possums damage your property. 

Damaging Electrical Wires

One of the most common damages caused by possums is damage to your electrical equipment and wires. Possums have progressively robust and growing front teeth that can chew through the wires. They tend to gnaw and damage your cables and wires from the attic. This will cause electrical issues and also dangerous fires. 

Torn and Soiled Insulation

Possums use insulation pads to build their nests once they enter your attic. They make their comfort zone by removing your property’s insulation and collecting all the pieces. Insulations are not only used for making their homes, but they also use it as their toilet. An unpleasant smell starts emanating from the soiled and torn insulation. The smell wafts through your entire home and increases your utility bills. It becomes imperative for you to immediately call for specialists in possum removal Melbourne.  

Roof or Building Damage

Possums can cause substantial damage to your building or roof structure while trying to get into your attic. They will expand their entry home and make new entry points into your attic to make it easier for them to find an easy way out. 

How do you Humanely Remove the Possums from your Property?

Removing the possums humanely and ethically is necessary because they are living beings, even if they are a pain in the neck. Explore the ways given below to remove them from your property without causing any harm. 

Call the Professionals

The best way to deal with a possum infestation is to call the professionals for possum removal Melbourne. You can do a ‘possum catchers near me’ search to find the best ones. The experts know how to handle challenges like these and have the right tools and knowledge that help them gently remove the critters. It is the fastest way to solve your problem and eliminate future infestations. 


Use a chemical-based or natural repellant to drive out the possums with scents they dislike. These repellents are not harmful but effective in discouraging possums from infesting your home. The repellants are also effective immediately but are not a permanent solution. Instead, the repellant will have to be applied repeatedly. 


Make it impossible for possums to get into your home by closing their entering and closing points. It will protect your indoor space if you block off any way of them entering your space. 


Another way to save your home is by trapping possums with a bait and trap. Ensure that the trap cannot harm the creature, and then you can release the possum at a safe location. The DIY project can take a long time, so it’s simpler to have a possum catcher Melbourne and ask them to remove the critter from your property. 


Possums enter your home by scratching on your walls and roofs. You can also detect the infestation through strong urine stains, odour, and visible damage to your property’s exterior. They also make clicking noises with their teeth, so in these cases, you can call Recon the best at possum removal in Melbourne

Recon Pest Control inspects your property for possums and uses the right methods to get the creatures out of your space. The method depends on the level of infestation you have. They also install a one-way temporary door for the possum to leave. So they are not able to enter your home after leaving it. Recon aces at providing permanent solutions to your existing possum infestation.

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What Safety Measures Do You Take During the Wasp Removal Process?

Wasps are important in maintaining the ecological balance. They also become a potential threat and nuisance when they make their nest close to your property. Dealing with a wasp nest Melbourne house can possibly have is nothing but a daunting task. Although, they can be removed only with the right precautions and approach. It is better to avoid removing the wasp nest by yourself and hire professionals who do wasp nest removal Melbourne. The professionals are experienced in removing these nests and have protective measures preventing wasps from stinging them. 

Understand the general safety measures taken in removing a wasp nest from the article below. Also, comprehend how destroying the wasp nest can be a threat to your safety and how you can prevent any future infestations. 

Safety Measures for Minimising the Risk of Stings

Safety is the utmost priority when removing a wasp nest. Below are some of the necessary and general safety precautions the experts took for wasp nest removal

Wearing Protective Gear

Experts who remove wasp nests are always geared up with the right protective clothing. Thick clothing such as gloves, pants, and sleeves are worn to minimise skin exposure. A face mask and a hat with a brim provide additional protection. And all the clothing is always light because dark colours attract more wasps. 

Remaining Calm and Moving Slowly

Every professional always remains calm and moves slowly towards the agitated wasps. Any loud noise or sudden movement can trigger their defensive behaviour, causing stings. Experts for wasp removal approach the nests steadily and quietly while not making any sudden gestures.

Selecting the Right Time for Nest Removal

Generally, wasps are removed during cooler times of the day. It’s late evening or early morning, especially during the warm weather. Wasps are less active during these times and stay inside their nests. Professionals tend to avoid rainy or windy conditions since wasps become more aggressive during those conditions. 

Destroying a Wasp Nest: Potential Threats to Human Safety

A primary reason for removing a wasp nest is to remove the potential threat that it poses to your safety. The creatures can become very aggressive when they perceive a threat to their nest. This leads to stings that can cause severe pain or allergic reactions in some cases. So refrain from doing a Melbourne wasp removal by yourself since it can lead to bodily harm. 

Let the Wasp removal Melbourne experts handle the task of removing the nest so that it minimises the act of getting stung and also the risk of accidental encounters. It is important if the nest is in specific places, such as near windows, doorways, or outdoor living spaces.

Preventing Future Wasp Infestations

Leaving a wasp nest alone leads to more infestations in the future. Wasps build new nests close to their previous ones or reuse the old ones. Their population will grow if you leave the existing nest undisturbed, and even more nests will appear on your premises. Discourage future infestations and disrupt the wasps’ breeding cycle by removing the nest. 

At the same time, do not disturb nests in a difficult-to-reach location or the larger nests by yourself. Wait for the pros to reach your property and take care of it since attempting to destroy a wasp nest without precautions and expertise is dangerous. 

Wasp nest removal Melbourne professionals also inspect for potential entry points that could attract the wasps. They seal off the gaps and cracks in doors, windows, and walls to prevent the wasps from building their nests in your building or home again. But you can also ensure that the screens on your vents and windows are free from any holes and are completely intact. 


Wasps are dangerous creatures and must be removed from your property if they are anywhere near your vicinity. At the same time, you must have their nests removed without harming them. So, no more searches of ‘wasp nests removal near me‘. Now, you can hire Recon Pest Control’s wasp nest removal experts in Melbourne, who have specific procedures to handle every size of a wasp nest. The pros at Recon ensure they remove any foods that can cause a future wasp infestation. 

They can assist you 24/7 and deliver a complete treatment, from inspecting and locating the nest to removing the nest and cleaning up the area. So, you get a quality service from beginning till end.

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Do You Offer Emergency Rodent Removal Services?

Rodent infestation is a distressing experience for both homes and businesses. Infestations can become severe in a short amount of time, and they require emergency attention. Emergency rodent removal Melbourne services are the remedy for such situations since these services will make your home critter-free for a long time. There are also different methods for varied degrees of infestation, so you always get a customized treatment that is best for your home.

Scroll down to understand the emergency rodent removal services, their benefits, and how to pick an exterminator. Implement the information and have your home free of all critters at no time. 

Get Immediate Rodent Removal Services

Generally, you can get emergency rodent removal services from most companies specializing in rodent control Melbourne. Such services are required if you want to remove pests immediately and eliminate any rodents that may threaten your property or pets. Experienced and trained professionals equipped to handle every emergency handle these services. Emergency pest control organizations have a 24/7 support team that handles your requests. You will find a team disposed of at your house as soon as you want them, and they can get rid of the rodent for you.

Benefits of Getting Emergency Rodent Removal Services

Getting emergency rodent removal services is advantageous in many ways. Visit all the benefits you get from such services in the points below.

Complete Eradication of Pests

A trained pest control expert suggests the best rodent removal treatment once they have thoroughly inspected your home. They act upon the rodent once they have found its nest and remove it from your property through ethical methods that do not harm the creature but still get the job done.

Saves Money

Using rodent control services to prevent rodents from damaging your property saves you money in the long term. You save money, too, when professionals assist and do not indulge in any DIY that will be costly.

Saves Your Belongings and Property

One of the most significant benefits of using professionals from Melbourne rodent control is that it saves your belongings and property from damage. Not controlling the rats and mice can make them skitter around your attic, walls, and everywhere.

Minimize the Risk of Falling Sick

Getting an emergency rodent control is worth its price since it reduces the chance of you and your family contracting any diseases. Rats and mice have many bacteria in their droppings, urine, and fur, making them risky to human health. Eradicate this risk as soon as possible by calling the nearest rodent exterminator and having them take care of the critters.

Complete Detection of Rodents

Rodents will spread all across the premises again if you don’t take care of it properly. One of the primary reasons why you should hire pest control services is so that they can find rodents from every nook and corner of your home. It is wiser to go in for professional services equipped with the proper tools and skills for this kind of task. 

Keep Pests Away in the Future

One of the biggest advantages of using rodent control in Melbourne is keeping the rodents away for a long time in the future. Experts make follow-up checkups on your home to ensure they have eliminated all the rodents on your premises.

How do you Pick a Rodent Exterminator in Melbourne?

Picking the right rodent removal provider is significant for safely and effectively addressing the problem. Below are some key factors that help you make the important decision. 

Expertise and Experience

One of the most important things that make any pest control service credible is its expertise in the field. Their experience in the field matters a lot since it is a mark of their skill and knowledge. It helps them effectively eliminate, identify, and prevent any rodent infestation. Experienced providers can also assess the problem’s extent and use the best techniques to offer a personalized solution. 

Methods and Approach

Inquire about the methods and approach of rodent control Melbourne has to offer. A good service provider offers a range of environmentally friendly and humane options that are safe for your household. They will be willing to explain their tactics and answer any questions you may have about the processes. 

Certification and Licensing

Ensure that your chosen rodent removal Melbourne is certified and licensed to perform rodent control services in your area. The certification varies by location and must meet industry and legal standards. It ensures that the people who come to inspect your home and provide solutions are up to date, qualified, and trained to the latest industry practices.

Reviews and References

Read online reviews and seek out references from past customers. It provides valuable insights into the organization’s reliability, reputation and service quality. Positive feedback from every satisfied customer is good evidence of a provider’s professionalism and competence.

Cost and Estimates

Request a detailed cost estimate from your selected Melbourne rodent control for your services. Be wary of providers that provide overly low or vague quotes because they may not address the rodent problem satisfactorily. Instead, you can compare the quotes from different providers and then pick a competitive and fair price. 


Be attentive to the rodent pest control service provider’s responsiveness and communication skills. A good provider will clearly explain the process, answer all your queries, and provide a clear timeline for their services. 


Getting immediate rodent removal services is necessary when you have a rat or mouse nest in your home and have already noticed more than one sign of their existence. The critters can damage your property and affect everyone’s health through urine, droppings, and odour. So, call Recon, the best rodent exterminator in Melbourne, to inspect your house and provide ethical solutions for removing the critters from your home. Recon Pest Control is available 24/7 to take your requests and solve your problems within the appropriate time, depending on the kind of infestation you have.

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What is The Process Involved In Professional Bee Removal Services In Melbourne?

Removing beehives and bees is the procedure of securely eliminating bee colonies from unwanted locations in an ethical, humane manner, like residential properties, business organizations, and public places. Even though bees are the keys to pollination and biodiversity, they can threaten individuals and property if they set up their nests in the wrong places. Professional Beehive Removal Melbourne services offer various solutions to tackle the problem of bee infestations, from relocation to elimination, based on the scenario.

The write-up will elucidate the steps and the process involved in bee nest removal Melbourne. Keep reading the article to know more about it!

Understanding the Bees

Australia has hundreds of bees. Bee stings are harmful, and many individuals in Melbourne are allergic to bee stings. Bee stings can cause serious allergic reactions like swelling, itching, to possibly life-threatening anaphylaxis. Even people without allergies may experience discomfort, leading to complications. It is recommended to consult Beehive Removal Near Me services rather than trying to eliminate bees on your own. 

Honeybees are yellow in colour and consist of black stripes on their bodies. They are vital pollinators crucial for ecosystems and agriculture. Bees commonly set up their nests on trees and, sometimes, in wall cavities. Sweet smells  like perfumes, candles or desserts attract bees, similar to the flowers, signaling the presence of nectar. They also seek out water sources and suitable nesting sites for their colonies. In such cases, bees may get attracted to your residential property. Bee hive removal near me services in Melbourne is the solution to all your bees-related problems.

Steps Involved in Professional Bee Removal Services in Melbourne

Best bee removal in Melbourne follows a systematic and humane approach to relocate the bees securely without causing harm to them or the atmosphere around them. Below is an overview of the steps in the professional bee removal procedure:-


The first and foremost step in professional bee eradication services in Melbourne is precisely evaluating the bee infestation. Pest control experts and professional beekeepers will first assess the location to ascertain the bee species, the bee hive’s size and structure, and the threat level that the infestation poses. The site is first inspected to determine the type and extent of the problem of bees.

Figuring Out the Species of Bees

It is vital to figure out the bees’ species because numerous species of bees might need multiple tackling techniques.


After assessing the site and bee infestation and identifying which types of bees they will remove, the professionals will prepare themselves to execute the whole process. They will come ready with the relevant equipment and safety gear. The vital equipment and safety gear involves bee suits, gloves, and special tools to eradicate the beehive securely.

Bee Elimination

Now comes the removal process. The elimination procedure involves eradicating the beehive physically or utilizing techniques like smoking to calm the bees and make them more workable. Bee removal professionals or experts cautiously take out the beehive or utilize dedicated vacuum systems to catch the bees first and safely shift them to another place. They will use the right tools and equipment to eliminate the bees and their nest from the location. They will attempt to preserve the bees and their nest unless they become aggressive or invasive. Additionally, they will conceal the entry points or gaps that the bees might have utilized to enter the location.


Professional bee removal services will try to shift the bees and their nest to another feasible site, like a farm where bees are preserved or a natural habitat. They will make sure that the bees are healthy and sufficient food and water sources are available to them. Furthermore, they will keep checking the bees for any symbol of stress or disease.

Cleanup of the Beehive

After bee experts remove the beehive and shift the bees somewhere else, they begin the clean-up process. They will clean and dispose of any remnants, honeycombs, or honey. If honey or wax is left behind, other pests, such as termites, rodents, etc., may be attracted and result in infestations in the future. After clearing the debris and waste materials, they will sanitise the area and apply treatments or repellants to prevent bee infestations in the future.

Repair and Seal

Suppose the bees have built their nest or hive within a structure. In that case, experts will seal the gaps and entry points that might lead to bee infestations in the future. This can include renovating walls, roofs, and other areas where the bees could have gained access.

Transport and Release

In the case of honey bees, attempts are made to shift them to a good location with the help of native beekeepers. The aim is to transport the bees securely and release them into surroundings where they can live without posing risks to human beings.

Opt for Bee Removal Services Today!

When you see bees swarming or entering your area, it is advisable to refrain from doing DIYs on your own or a decision that includes attempting to spray pesticides or other chemicals on their nest. Stay away from beehives, and keep your children and pets away. Hire professional bee removal Melbourne services to control the swarm and hive elimination services rather than attempting to decrease costs by implementing elimination treatments on your own. Also, refrain from throwing sticks or stones because it might make these little insects more aggressive.


It is important to note that in many situations with honey bees, efforts are made to preserve and relocate them rather than remove them. Contact professional beehive services like Recon Bee Removal. The brand has a well-established reputation for its environmentally friendly and standard pest control services in Victoria. Contact Recon Pest Control for bee control near me same-day services. They have the training and experience to assist you with safe bee removal Melbourne methods to completely eradicate the bee problem in your home.

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5 Signs You Need Professional Rodent Control in Melbourne

Some domestic mice and rats are kept as pets, and they can be a quiet and lovely companion for any busybody. But sometimes, they become a pest, and not everyone has to be in love with them. They can be terrifying and are completely barred from restaurants. Some rodent infestations can also be hard to detect, so you may not notice it even when it’s right before you. But they are still very concerning since they lead to diseases and damage.

Review the sections below to understand all the signs of a rodent infestation and when you must call the rodent control in Melbourne. And while you call the professionals, you can also learn to temporarily prevent rats and mice in your home. That will help keep the situation in control while the professionals arrive to take permanent care of it.

Signs of Rodent Infestation for You to Call the Professionals

The points below will help you understand all the signs of rodent infestation and ensure you call the professionals at the right time. Save your residential or commercial space from any damages by checking for rodent infestation today!

Rodent Droppings

One of the biggest tell-tale signs of rat and mouse infestation is their droppings. They are generally moist and dark but become grey when dry and crumble with the touch. The rodent droppings are found in cupboards or drawers, near food packages, along the walls, under sinks, and in any hidden area. Find the most droppings near the places where rodents are feeding or nesting. So, inspect the surrounding place carefully to find new droppings and to see whether there is a new or active infestation and then call for rodent removal Melbourne immediately.

Smelling Foul Odour

Smelling a nasty and unexpectedly foul odour indicates rodent infestation when no droppings are found. Rodent’s urine typically smells like stale ammonia, which will trigger your smell. But it may not be noticeable if only one or two mice exist. The smell will stand out if you have an active infestation, and then you must ring up the rodent control Melbourne. Moreover, you may also smell the strong odour of a dead mouse since it hangs around the air for a few weeks.

Scampering or Scratching

Rats and mice move around the house at night, and you generally won’t hear them during the daytime. Instead, you can hear scratching on the walls and scampering around the hallways at night. They can also bury themselves within the walls so you can hear them scurrying around there in the dark. 

Pets Act Differently

Your dogs or cats are the first to notice any unwelcome visitor in your home. If rats and mice run around, your pets will act towards it. They will hear the rodent’s movement or notice a new smell throughout the house. There is a rodent infestation around your home if you notice any unusual behavior in your pets, such as interest in a specific area and barking. Call professionals for rat removal Melbourne and ensure the complete safety of your home!

Rodent Nests

Rodents make nests in your home using materials such as dried plant matter, fabric, or shredded paper. The nest is well-hidden in an area close to water and food. The nest is close whenever you see many droppings and gnawing. You can get them removed by rodent control services and live in peace.

Ways to Prevent Rats and Mice in Your Home

Rat infestations can be hard to get rid of once they begin. The experts eliminate rats and mice from your home through safe treatment methods. But you can always take some measures to keep them out of your home. Review such measures and implement them in your home until you search for rodent control near me online and find the best professional services. 

  • Store your food in airtight containers or package it well so that nothing attracts rodents.
  • Seal any potential entry points for the rats and mice to enter your home.
  • Vacuum the floor and dispose of any leftover food after meals.
  • Seal the holes or cracks on the outer section of your commercial or residential space and prevent any more rodents.
  • Call the rodent control in Melbourne and let them inspect your house and office to take the right measures to eliminate the pests.

How do the Rodent Control Services Work?

The rodent removal experts start with inspecting your home. They check every corner where the rats and mice may have made their home, and then they understand how the rodents travel and where they make their nests. Then, the right treatment is applied at the infestation’s source. The elimination process can take anywhere between weeks to a few months. The time required depends on the species of mice and rats present, the products used, and the level of manifestation. There are also follow-up cleaning sessions to ensure your space is entirely rodent-free.


A rodent infestation can be a pain since it can affect your family’s health and damage your belongings. At the same time, always keeping them away alone can be challenging. Take assistance from rodent control services in Melbourne to treat your home and free it from rodents of every kind. Recon Pest Control is the best at this job since it provides eco-friendly rat control with fully accredited and well-trained rodent control professionals. The organization has over a decade of experience in rodent treatment, and it’s the most effective task. 

Recon starts with inspecting your home and then gives a customized treatment entirely suitable to your home. It has top-notch quality with the highest efficiency in delivering rat control services in Melbourne.

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What is the Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Possums?

Possums are not pets, no matter how adorable they are. You can find two types of possums in Australia, commonly seen outside and sometimes inside your home. These possums can cause property damage when left on their own. So even though possums are not generally aggressive or dangerous, they can disrupt your sleep at night due to their behaviour. They can also cause damage to your building’s structural integrity if they nest inside the wall and roof cavities. 

Sometimes, your roof is as much a home to the possums as it is to you. Very few things may deter them if they have settled in already. The best idea is to prevent them from moving in from the beginning rather than going in for possum removals. Scroll down to review the best methods for possum removal Melbourne can have. 

Easy Methods of Getting Rid of Possums

Find our expert tips on keeping possums away from your home and what you can do if they are already there. 

Cover Openings to Your Home

A possum cannot stay in your home if they can’t get in. So, block all openings to any part of your home to prevent their access. Check for possible entry points such as cat flaps, attic vents, and open chimneys. Footprints and droppings are indicators that possums are in your house. So you can further trim any tree branches, fix, cover, or block them that can let the possums get close to your house.

Remove Nearby Sources of Food

Possums will set up camp if there is easily accessible food nearby. Make your house less appealing to them by containing your rubbish, feeding your pets inside and ensuring that you remove all food from your garden after outdoor meals and BBQs. Pick out any ripe fruit from trees near your home before possums put their claws on them and linger around you. Cover the allotment areas or compost with heavy bricks or chicken wire so that the possums do not knock off the lid. 

Use Repellent Scents

Possums dislike some smells and will stay away if you make your repellent spray for your garden and house. A concoction including garlic, mothballs, onion, vinegar, ammonia, peppermint, and red peppers will do the trick. But you can also buy chemical sprays in hardware stores or call a professional possum removalist to do the job for you. 

Fill the Wall and Roof Cavities

Ensure that possums cannot get into your home after you have blocked all their entry points. But possums can also claw their way in through weak materials and get back into their nests. So, use a heavy-duty substance such as metal sheeting instead of light wood or plaster.

Use Motion Activated Possum Sensors or Spotlights

Possums are nocturnal creatures, so they don’t like the bright lights of any sport. If you see them hanging on specific trees near your home, you can set light fixtures to shine on them. You can try keeping basement, garage and garden lights on during nighttime when they are most likely to come out from their nests. You can also put motion-activated sensors that trigger sounds, sprinklers, or lights that startle the possum. You can also call up the possum catchers and find a permanent solution. 

Try a Nesting Box

Provide your residential possum family with another home to not worry about any damages or eerie sounds and still be able to see them during the nighttime. Keep a nesting box a few metres above the ground, such as in a tree away from direct sunlight. This way, they leave your house without losing a home for themselves. 

Set Up an Ethical Trap

It is illegal to kill or hurt possums, so you must be careful in picking a trap that won’t cause harm or injury, especially when it tries to escape. It is better to prevent possums from getting into your home, to begin with, but if you cannot, then you can go with a humane trap, such as small wire mesh boxes that will not cause the possums any harm. You can use pet food or red apples as bait to lure them in and cover the trap to prevent possums from biting or scratching you. Release them within 24 hours away from your home. 

Call in the Experts

It is best to seek professional pest control services for the removal of possums without causing them any harm. The experts will help you in every way if you have been cohabiting with a family of possums for a long time and have limited success after following the above points. So, the first thing that the possum removalists Melbourne will do is inspect your property for the little furry creatures and see where they are hiding. Then, they will use the right methods for trapping the possum from your property based on the infestation level. The possum catchers also seal off the entry points that may help possums enter your office or home.

Some experts will also install a one-way temporary possum door around the main entry point that will help the creatures exit the roof space without re-entering through them. The possum removal professionals will revisit your property to ensure the entry points are closed securely and suggest possum-proofing techniques to eliminate the creatures permanently. 


Possums can become a nuisance with time, but that doesn’t mean you must be harsh with them. You can protect your home through safe measures. You can even call the possum removalist experts to handle the job. Professionals from Recon Pest Control have experience removing possums from commercial and domestic buildings, shopping centers, and warehouses. They will also give expert advice on minimising or preventing the possum infestation after the treatments. Also, professionals do not use any methods that will harm the possums. So they safely relocate them from your office or home in the best way for you and the furry ones.

What is the Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Possums? Read More »

Melbourne’s Most Dangerous Pests and How to Keep Them Away from Your Property

Australia is known for having pests throughout all seasons, and some are more notorious than others. Pests are a big problem, damaging your property while spreading diseases. All types of pests, such as rodents, possums, ants, and others, become particularly active at night and look for cover in some warm place directly into your cosy home. 

Go over some of the most dangerous and common pests below and understand how to eliminate them ethically without harming them. You can even connect with pest control in Melbourne if the remedies have limited success and you want a permanent solution. 

Keep Melbourne’s Dangerous Pests Away from Your Home

Below are some of the most dangerous pests in Melbourne and what you can do to stop them from coming in. 


Rodents are the ultimate pests who love the deeper confines of the home where they can be warm and cosy. They carry all kinds of bacteria and diseases that can cause endless damage to your family’s health and home. So, understand how you can eliminate the critters and save your environment. 

How to Get Rid of Rodents?

Preventive measures are the best way to get rid of mice and rats. Start with looking for their nesting area and the signs of an infestation. Look for activity signs such as droppings, gnaw marks, and tracks. Clean your yards thoroughly to deny rodents the space for shelter and food, restricting their ability to move into your home. You must also keep your leftover food in good containers and packages so that nothing is left around to welcome rodents. 


Ants are also everlasting pests that scurry all over the place. You can find them indoors and outdoors, breeding everywhere in your yard and walls. They also exist in window frames and every hidden spot they can find. 

How to Get Rid of Ants?

Put up a chemical barrier around your house to eliminate all ant infestations. Keep them out of your wall cavity to prevent further complications. Maintain a hygienic and clean environment by properly storing your food. And take all the possible preventive measures to keep ants from entering your home. Even insecticides can offer some protection but pose safety risks to your family. So, in this case, you need professional pest control services Melbourne that use sustainable and standard pest control facilities. 


Possums are furry rodent-like creatures that are messy, dirty, and noisy. They skitter along your roof cavity and cause a bacteria infestation while damaging your property. At the same time, they are one of the country’s protected species under the Wildlife Act 1975. So, it is essential to remove them ethically so that they never get harmed. 

How to Get Rid of Possums?

Keep possums away from your home by trimming your garden areas and trees. Use natural and safe possum deterrents, and at the same time, contact the best pest control Melbourne so that they can ethically remove the critters from your property and release them some distance away to a more suitable habitat.  


Cockroaches are everlasting creatures that can outlive practically a lot of things. These nuisances like to huddle together and live in tight crevices. Remove them as soon as possible to ensure they do not breed more and make your home a nest. 

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches?

Maintain cleanliness in your house to naturally discourage cockroaches from spreading. Avoid leaving food scraps, and immediately clean your dishes and kitchen. Dispose of your trash properly, get it out regularly, and seal any crevices and cracks. Keep an insect spray handy when you spot the cockroaches scurrying around. 


Pests are prevalent creatures that are present throughout the year. Their presence harms well-being, and it is necessary to deter them. Taking assistance from Recon, the pest controllers Melbourne, is a sure and effective way to get rid of every pest from your home. They start their cleaning process by inspecting your house and then implementing an effective way of getting them out of your space without compromising the safety of you, your family, pets and plants. While getting rid of ants, possums, cockroaches, and rodents, they ensure not to harm them and do the process ethically.

Melbourne’s Most Dangerous Pests and How to Keep Them Away from Your Property Read More »

Why Bee Infestations Require Professional Pest Control

Are you dealing with a bee infestation at your home or business? If so, it’s important to understand why professional pest control services are necessary in this situation. While bees are essential for pollination and the environment, having a large colony or hive near your property can be dangerous. This is especially true if family members or employees are allergic to bee stings.

Attempting to remove a hive or swarm yourself can result in serious injury or even death. That’s why it’s crucial to hire a professional pest control service near you. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and proper protective gear to safely remove the bees without harm to the insects or humans involved.

Moreover, professional pest control services offer additional benefits beyond the removal itself. They can assess the infestation, provide recommendations to prevent future occurrences, and help with any necessary repairs caused by the bees.

Don’t take the risk of handling a bee infestation on your own. Contact a professional pest control service near you for safe and effective removal. Rely on their expertise to protect your loved ones, employees, and property from the potential dangers of a bee infestation.

Understanding the risks and dangers of bee infestations

Bees play a vital role in our ecosystem, but when they start to invade our living spaces, they can become a significant nuisance and pose risks to our health and safety. Bee infestations can occur when a colony or swarm of bees decides to build their hive or nest in or near our homes or businesses. The close proximity can lead to increased encounters with humans, raising the chances of bee stings.

Bee stings can be painful and, for some individuals, even life-threatening. Allergic reactions to bee stings can range from mild discomfort to severe anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical attention. The presence of a bee infestation near your property puts anyone in the vicinity at risk of being stung, including children, employees, or guests.

Moreover, the structural damage caused by bees can be significant. Bees can build their hives in wall voids, attics, or other hidden spaces, leading to the deterioration of the surrounding materials. This can weaken the structural integrity of your property and result in costly repairs. Therefore, it is crucial to address bee infestations promptly and professionally to ensure the safety of everyone involved and protect your property from further damage.

Signs of a bee infestation in your home or property

Identifying a bee infestation early on is essential for prompt and effective removal. Here are some signs that may indicate the presence of bees in your home or property:

  1. Increased bee activity: If you notice a sudden increase in bee activity around your property, such as a large number of bees buzzing around or entering and exiting a specific area, it could be a sign of a nearby hive or nest.
  2. Visible bees or nests: Spotting bees or their nests is a clear indication of an infestation. Look for bees entering and exiting small holes or crevices in your walls, roof, or other parts of your property.
  3. Unusual buzzing sounds: If you hear buzzing sounds coming from within your walls, ceiling, or attic, it could be a sign that bees have built their hive or nest in these areas.
  4. Bee droppings: Bees leave behind droppings called “frass” near the entrance of their nests. Look for small dark spots or piles of frass near potential entry points.

If you observe any of these signs, it’s crucial not to disturb the bees or attempt to remove the hive or swarm yourself. Instead, seek professional pest control services that specialize in bee removal.

Why Bee Infestations Require Professional Pest Control Read More »

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